Root canal treatment often conjures up a frightening picture in your mind, of pain, sharp instruments and multiple visits to the dentist. However, with recent advances in dentistry, root canal treatment is not only painless, but also in some cases, can be done in one sitting.

If left unattended the decay in the tooth spreads to the inner layers of the tooth, affects the nerve and then breaks open the bony wall surrounding the tip of the root. Pus accumulates and the tooth becomes painful and tender to touch. In case of teeth that have suffered traumatic injury the force of the impact itself sometimes damages the nerve of the involved tooth. As a result, the nerve gets infected resulting in severe pain. In such cases root canal treatment is advised.

In certain cases, it can be completed in one sitting. Otherwise, it may take 2 to 3 sittings. Capping/ Crowning is mandatory to ensure best results.

Indication for root canal treatment are :